Overview of this project

I chose to base this project around the Mobile Habitats brief, which asks you to consider how the idea of a mobile habitat might be realised through art and design solutions with particular emphases on the role that textiles might play. From early on in the project, I decided to look at two very interesting interior designers who based their furniture designs on the shapes of animals, and from here I had knew that I wanted to design something that was for an interior, so the idea of furniture has been in the back of my mind through out this project.
I have enjoyed this project, even though I feel I got off to a slow start, I think that I have managed to come up with some interesting designs that represent the idea of a mobile habitat. In an ideal world I would have liked to have made something bigger, and that in itself is progress to me, because I was quite scared of making something on a large scale, and now I wouldn't mind experimenting more with larger sized designs.
I think that this project has taught me that I am a 3D worker, I have a 3D mind that likes to experiment with different textures and surfaces, and I shouldn't hold myself back from doing that because I'm worried I won't finish something.
I really like the objects that I've made from the inspiration of nests, and I wish I'd had the idea earlier on in the project so I could experiment with more ways of creating nests. I think it would have been a nice idea to have manipulated the fabric first, or decorated it myself with the different embroidery techniques I'd learned earlier in the project, such as the embroidered ants or bees.
Overall I am happy with my designs, because they have a function. You can sit on the chair and you can put things in the bowl. For this project, at first I wanted to make something that was multi functional but due to my slow start which lead to me being restricted of time I have had to settle for something that is just functional!
Interior design is definitely the direction I wanted this project to go in, but I think my knowledge of interior designers still needs to be improved, because I found it so hard exploring different designers in this project. I felt as though I was flicking through loads that didn't have any relevance to my project.
This project has also made me realise how important the tutorials are. My work wouldn't have developed how it did if I hadn't seen it from different perspectives.