Working with Glass

I decided to break the screen down, to make the TV easier to move because it was so heavy, and I wasn't planning on doing anything with the glass, but instead of throwing it away, I decided to combine it with my work.
a lot of the glass was quite thick, so when you looked through it, it would distort whatever you were looking at. I thought this was really interesting, so I started to play around with the glass a bit more by using it to distort colour. I thought this would be a good way to be a bit experimental, as in my last tutorial Fiona had spoken about a project she'd overseen, where students would have a piece of fabric, and they had to manipulate it in different ways. I thought I could try something similar with the glass, to see what I could achieve.... 

I layered up the glass and fixed the pieces together with glue. I think this piece looks really interesting, because it distorts the appearance of whatever's behind it. I think this would be a good piece to experiment with on photoshop.

Painting on glass  
I didn't actually think that the paint would stick to pieces of glass, but I think it created an interesting technique because the paint takes the shine away from the glass, and gives it a matt surface.

Painting under glass 
This was really interesting because you can still see the colour under the glass, but the glass gives the paint a textured surface.

Different Papers 
I presented the glass in a range of different forms, and by using different sized pieces, in order to experiment with shape and pattern.

Black Card 
I really liked this effect because the glass looks white, which contrasts well against card.

Hand made paper
I made a few sheets of recycled paper ages ago, and I thought I would put it to some use, but I don't think this worked very well because the paper was textured, it made it really hard for the glass to stick to.

White paper
All the pictures I took made the glass look purple, which I think looks really interesting. I think it must have been the light at the time.

I had a sample sized piece of black, glittery wall paper, and I think that the glass contrasts really well against it. The small pieces of glass blend in well with the glitter, and the glitter ads a bit of colour. 

Printing with Glass
This created some interesting shapes and because I printed with the class on stitch an interfacing fabric, that is a bit transparent, you can layer the pieces up to create different patterns.

Frosting glass
I sanded down two small pieces of glass, to see how long it would take to make frosted glass by hand. I'd read that you can get stone tumblers, and people can make frosted glass that way, however for fear of being sidetracked, I'll just leave it here!